
An effort in f a c i l i t a t i o n

Peace First. Peace Last.

بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

What do you think of a Community whose Calendar Year Starts and Ends with a Sacred Month?

What do you understand about a month being Sacred?

You think Muslims are terrorists and their religion promotes terrorism? How misguided!

Today let me hurl or dash the truth against falsehood. And woe to you for what you utter!! 

Islamic Calendar consists of Twelve Months, out of which Four are declared as the Sacred.

The meaning of a month being sacred is that the believers are required not to fight or wage war during that month. Islam prohibits fighting during the sacred months!

This doesn’t mean that Islam promotes fighting in other months. It means that if one is forced to fighting then he is allowed to fight for self-defense. It also means that a Believer must not initiate war. The battles during the life time of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be uponhim) were of defensive nature, not offensive!

Islam is a religion of peace, not terrorism. Islam itself means peace.

If someone says, “Islam is terrorism”, he is only making a laughing stock of himself. Ask how?

When you translate the phrase “Islam is terrorism”, you invent a myth: “Peace is terrorism” or “peaceful terrorism”!!

When someone calls an ice-cream hot, isn’t he crazy or idiotic?

Back to the Calendar. The Four Sacred Months of the Islamic Calendar are:

1. Muharram (1st month)

2. Rajab (7th month)

3. Dhu’l-Qa’dah (11th month) and

4. Dhu’l-Hijjah (12th month)

So the Islamic Year starts with a sacred month, and ends with a sacred month.

What is the meaning and inference of the year starting and ending with a sacred month in which fighting is prohibited? 

What message is conveyed through this calendar system?

Even though the answer is obvious but then you know common sense is uncommon, so let me briefly elucidate.

If you think over, what is the norm adopted by people at the year end? Man takes account of his actions, looks back at the past and resolves to make the coming year better by not repeating the mistakes of the past.

And what do you do at the start of a New Year? You pray that the new year should be good, fruitful and successful. Some even come up with a few resolutions to abide by in the new year, right?

Now, when you are in the sacred month you will only think of positive things: Peace as against war, Love as against hatred, Friendship as against enmity. Reconciliation as against conflict. Construction as against destruction. 

If you notice, after Muharram, the first month, the next sacred month is Rajab which the 7th month.

What does this mean. It means as the year continues, you need to sit back and think over by taking half-yearly account. If you got deviated, then you need to come back and ensure that peace prevails.

Peace then is the priority in Islam. Peace is the beginning and peace is the end.

You end your year with peace. You start your year with peace.

The message is loud and clear. Peace first, Peace last!

Sal-lal-laahu-Ala-Muhammad, Sal-lal-laahu-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam.

Baarakallaahu Feekum.

Related Posts:

Meaning of the Months of the Islamic Calendar

October 17, 2016 - Posted by | Islamic Months, Reflections | , , , , , , ,


  1. […] Source: Peace First. Peace Last. […]

    Pingback by Peace First. Peace Last. | Food For Thought | October 23, 2016 | Reply

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      Comment by MuQeet | March 5, 2017 | Reply

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